An iE-Works Approach to Asset Management
iE-Works is a system built on the idea that systems can be more intuitive, efficient and useful and maybe even fun.
Fast search
Search to find the exact Data you want.
Forgotten your Password?
If you have forgotten your password, or any other iE-Works enquiry, Contact SITA using the following contact details:-
Tel: 0800 115 575 / 0800204102
Fax: (012) 328 3946
Email: ieworksadmin@dpw.gov.za
iE-Works Announcements
- Rates Module Improved
- General Fixes Completed
- HOD View Included
- Error Logging
- Removing Single Property from Batch
- Additional Amount Field on Payment Selection
- GMR Enabled
- Version 1 Build-42

version 1.42